123ContactForm - Spring Surprises

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Latest 123ContactForm updates: coupon codes for order forms, AWeber integration, case studies & testimonials section

Coupon Codes

Coupon Codes. Create discount coupon codes in minutes and share them with you customers. Both fixed and percentual discounts can be defined and the code title is up to you!

AWeber Integration. Our newest integration is with AWeber, one of the most professional tools for setting up and managing email marketing campaigns. Collect emails for your AWeber lists as easy as 1-2-3!

AWeber Integration
Case Studies, Live Examples, Testimonials

Case Studies & Testimonials. The new section you've helped us build is up and running: case studies, live examples of web forms, and testimonials. Thank you and enjoy it!

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Type IklanIklan Gratis
KategoriBisnis Online
Isi IklanLAUNCHING 08-02-2012 MULAI 16-02-2012 pembayaran profit perdana sudah saya terima 02-03-2012.PT. DANA SEKURITAS INDONESIA
SIUP : 08121/16-12/PK/VII/2012. No.TDP : 292414166718
Nama "Dana Sekuritas" dilindungi oleh Direktorat Jendral HAKI (Hak Kekayaan Intelektual) Republik Indonesia No.Agenda J28-708832793

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